
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Guest Bedroom: Before

Since I am in full blown nesting mode I have been on a mission to complete all of the projects around the house that I've been putting off.  Before I could get started on the nursery I needed to get the guest bedroom under control.  After sleeping in the guest bedroom one night when my husband was sick I realized how much it, well... sucked.  The sheets were like paper, the lighting was terrible, and the broken headboard banged against the wall every time I moved.  My apologies to any guests we've had in the past 3 years!

An Olive Lane Exculsive!  Never before seen photos of the guest bedroom...

OK, it would probably look a tiny bit better if I had made the bed for this pic...

I don't think I'm the only one that has a neglected room like this in their house.  It's kind of like the junk drawer of rooms.  Whatever doesn't have a home- goes here!  I wanted to clean up the guest room and make it inviting but I also didn't have a huge budget for this room.  

On the list of things to do was:
  • Paint
  • Headboard
  • Nightstands
  • Lamps
  • Sheets/Bedding
  • Window Treatments
I wanted the room to feel really bright and fresh and clean.  I started pinning like a mad woman and these were my top inspiration photos.

bedside table  - idea for nightstands...remove doors and paint.  use door for something else.  oops, have to throw away all of those magazines stashed in there

Queen Guest Bedroom Reveal | Life On Virginia Street  Love the color combo of the pillows.

hanging curtains behind headboard wall in bedroom
Lonny Magazine

Please check back tomorrow for my big guest bedroom reveal!


  1. Hi Kelly! I wish I could take credit for that photo but it actually came from Lonny, I believe :) Looking forward to your reveal and glad to have found your blog!

  2. Oops! Thanks for letting me know Emily! Appreciate you checking out the blog :-)


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