
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lessons Learned

This weekend I learned one of life's important lessons the hard way.  I saw a chair at Homegoods that I loved.  It was a beautiful Cynthia Rowley upholstered chair- perfect for my desk chair at an amazing price of $149!

via Homegoods

I loved the fabric, the shape, the nail head trim... *sigh*  But alas, I couldn't pull the trigger.  As I drove home I thought- I should really go back.  But, I didn't.  The next morning I woke up still needing the chair so I headed over to Homegoods... it was gone!!!  So I drove to another Homegoods close by to see if there might be one there... no luck.

The lesson I learned...

If you see something you like at Homegoods BUY IT!  Even if you just kind-of-sort-of-like-it but think it might work but you're not sure... BUY IT!  You can always return but you can't buy something that isn't there.

If you need me I'll be driving to every Homegoods in the Tri-State area in search of the one that got away.


  1. Do you want me to check the Home Goods in St. David's?

  2. JUST learned the same lesson 3 weeks ago! I have now told myself, "NEVER go into HomeGoods unless I have $500 cash on me to buy whatever temptation, I will later need"! :-) Here's to the 2 Lime upholstered Cynthia Rowley nailhead chairs I loved and lost!

  3. Hi there! I wish you are close to NYC. There are a bunch of them in TJX and Marshalls. :)



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